5 Factors That Determine How Often Air Duct Cleaning Should Be Done
08/05/2013 Back To BlogMany people understand the importance of cleaning their air ducts, but what most of them don’t know is how often they should do so. There are those circumstances that require one to clean the air ducts after 6 months, and there are those that only requires a home owner to clean the ducts after 24 months. Well, there are a number of factors that determine how often air duct cleaning should take place. The following are some of them; -
1. The frequency at which the air duct is used
Air ducts that are used more often trap more dirt, dust, pollen, dander and pet fur, than those that are not used regularly. This is because regularly used air ducts allow more air to be circulated through them, thus filter more dirt, dust etc.
2. Availability of carpet
Carpets filter the amount of dirt and dust that is exposed to the air. Therefore, the more carpet you have, the less dirt and dust etc you will have floating in the air and vice versa. This means that, homes with less carpet coverage are highly advised to contact air duct cleaning companies in Glenadale, California more frequently than those that have more carpet coverage.
3. Availability of pets
Besides shedding fur and dander, pets bring in dirt and pollen from outdoors into your house. This kind of dirt is then trapped in the air ducts when the HVAC system is running. Therefore, homeowners that keep pets are advised to consider regular air duct cleaning.
4. Presence of people with allergies
If there are people with allergies living in the house, then it is a wise idea to conduct regular residential air duct cleaning. Maintaining high quality indoor air can be very helpful in alleviating allergy problems.
5. Where one lives – rural or urban environment
Those in rural areas do not require regular air duct cleaning as much as those in urban settings do. This is because the environment in the rural areas is fairly cleaner than that of the urban places.
Other times in which residential or commercial air duct cleaning can be considered is after renovations have been made, after fumigation and after a severe pollen season. It is highly advisable for homeowners to contact one of the professional HVAC air duct cleaners in Glenadale to ensure that the procedure is done safely and in the right way.